About me


I’m Dung, a passionate embedded developer. My journey into the realm of technology began at Can Tho University, where I pursued my degree in Software Engineering, graduating ahead of schedule.

During my college days, I enjoyed developing Arduino, and then ESP8266 projects with sensors and actuators. This hands-on experience has honed my skills in software development, specializing in crafting efficient solutions tailored to the unique demands of embedded systems and IoT applications.

My Experience

May 2023 - Aug 2023

TMA Solutions

Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Embedded Developer

Developing a new solution for Ubuntu server monitoring system
  • Collect server performance data such as CPU, memory, tasks,..
  • Visualize collected data as graphs on web app

Sept 2023 - Now

College of IT & Communications

Can Tho, Vietnam

Embedded Developer

Developing a water observing system for pangasius farming ponds in Binh Phu industrial park
  • Integrate different industril sensors with Matrix IoT gateways
  • Convert voltage to water quality data (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen)
  • Visualize colltected data as graphs on web app

My top projects